Dear High North News reader: The final week before HNN goes on holidays has been characterized by Sweden’s and Finland’s NATO applications. However, there have also been some fine immersions into Arctic art and culture during the Arctic Arts Festival in Harstad, Northern Norway.
It has been an eventful week for our Editor-in-Chief Arne O. Holm and Journalist Astri Edvardsen who, along with the Arctic Arts Festival send our readers into the summer with the debate series High Noon from Harstad, Norway.
These can be played here: (The debates are mostly in Norwegian, but automated subtitles can be chosen)
In this week’s Friday commentary – the last one before the summer – you can read what our Editor-in-Chief will take with him into the summer holidays following this week’s conversations in his mobile office-and-home as well as on stage.
“That is how the paper is and should be. A meeting place for people with opinions and a heart for what happens in the High North”, Holm writes.
There was also time for a meeting with Astrid Fadnes and her colleagues in Pikene på broen [The Girls on the Bridge] from Kirkenes, Norway who continue interaction with independent artists in Russia.
“This contact through the arts brings hope to both sides. Both for individuals as well as for the future”, she says to High North News. (Norwegian only)
On Tuesday, Turkey, Sweden and Finland signed an agreement paving the way for Finnish and Swedish NATO membership.
A high-ranking former NATO representative says the adding of two Nordic states, Finland and Sweden, to the Alliance will increase the significance of the High North and the Alliance’s strength in its waters.
And the Ukraine war, cooperation in the Arctic, as well as the upcoming NATO summit in Madrid was on the agenda when foreign ministers from Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Iceland met in Bodø, Norway on Monday.
Elisabeth Gammelsæter has written a book about the NIMBY phenomenon; Not in My Back Yard.
“We want mobile phones, but not mines. We want power, but not to live next to windmills. We want the end product, but no production where we live”, the author says. LENKE
In Norway, Freyr confirms the building of a giga-factory in Mo i Rana, Northern Norway. The Norwegian government wants to support Freyr with NOK 4 billion, Minister of Trade, Industry and Fisheries Jan Christian Vestre announced when presenting Norway’s new battery strategy in Mo Industry Park.
Do also read the op-eds about Arctic exceptionalism and about Turkey’s relationship to the Arctic.
This and more you will find at High North News!
We are closed for July, so all that remains now is to thank you for following us during an eventful spring season. We will be back in August!
On behalf of our editorial staff, I wish all our readers a great summer!
High North News is an independent newspaper published by the High North Center at the Nord university. High North News follows the Norwegian Press Code of Ethics and is edited according to the Association of Norwegian Editors – Rights and Duties of the Editor. High North News is not responsible for the content or opinions expressed on external web pages.
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