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Your planning news from Bath and North East Somerset Council.
Various planning applications have been submitted to Bath and North East Somerset Council this week.
The list of received applications can be found below.
Planning applications received by Bath and North East Somerset Council last week include:
Conversion of an existing single detached garage building to create a hobby room. Remove the existing garage door and replace with a window, bath stone faced infill below at 17A Stonehouse Lane, Combe Down, Bath.Tree works at 11 Abbey View Gardens, Widcombe, Bath.External alterations for the renovation of existing roof of Grade II-listed stables for purpose of ensuring building's safety; new roof to match existing at Upper Shockerwick Farm, Shockerwick Lane, Bathford, Bath.Erection of single-storey rear extension (Certificate of Lawfulness for a Proposed Development) at 20 Lansdown Crescent, Timsbury, Bath.Discharge of conditions 7 (Construction Management Plan (Pre-commencement)), 11 (Site Specific Construction Environmental Management Plan (Pre-occupation)) and 25 (Provision of a temporary retail store (Compliance)) of application 21/04049/FUL (Redevelopment of The Scala site including the demolition of existing extensions and new extensions to improve retail store at ground floor level, provide a new community space and student accommodation (16 bed spaces) at first floor levels. Erection of student accommodation including 72 student bedrooms and associated ancillary space. Erection of a residential block (C3) including nine apartments. Parking for cars and cycles and associated landscaping (Resubmission)) at The Scala, Shaftesbury Road, Oldfield Park, Bath.Discharge of conditions 2 (Construction Environmental Management Plan: Ecology (CEMP: Ecology) (Pre-commencement)) and 3 (Botanical Survey, and proposed ecological mitigation and enhancement scheme (Pre-commencement)) of application 21/00282/FUL (Re-level existing school playing field to include excavation and filling works) at Oldfield School, Kelston Road, Newbridge, Bath.Discharge of conditions 5, 7 and 8 of application 21/03153/LBA (Internal and external alterations for the enlargement of the rear single-storey extension. Replace UPVC windows with double glazed timber sash windows. Replace front door with a timber six panel door. Replacement of existing perspex canopy with storm porch. New aluminium sliding door to garden. Removal and replacement of 1970's renovations externally and internally, including render. Installation of central heating system. Provision of natural internal insulation to the front and rear elevations. Formation of new opening in rear wall and reinstate garage door) at 1 Dafford's Buildings, Larkhall, Bath.Tree works at 2 Bathwick Hill, Bathwick, Bath.Tree works at Manor Stables, Farm Lane, Wellow, Bath.Tree works at land to the rear of 45-47, Rockliffe Road, Bathwick, Bath.Installation of four solar panels to the rear south facing slope of the roof (Certificate of Lawfulness for a Proposed Development) at 2 Avondale Buildings, Larkhall, Bath.External works to carry out stone repairs to the front elevation at Kensington Chapel, Kensington Place, Walcot, Bath.Discharge of conditions 10 (Hard and Soft Landscape Scheme (Bespoke Trigger)) and 11 (Hard and Soft Landscape Scheme (Bespoke Trigger)) of application 16/05632/FUL (Restoration of historic open-air public swimming pool and associated facilities) at Cleveland Bath, Cleveland Row, Hampton Row, Bathwick, Bath.Erection of a rear porch, repairs to front lightwell cover and the replacement of a garden shed at 22 Northend, Batheaston, Bath.
Reinstatement of rear sash windows and various interior alterations, repairs and refurbishments at Flat 4, Circus Mansions, 36 Brock Street, City Centre, Bath.Outline application for Phases 3 and 4 for up to 300 dwellings; landscaping; drainage; open space; footpaths and emergency access; all matters reserved, except access from Coombe Hay Lane via the approved Phase 1 spine road (details of internal roads and footpaths reserved); (ii) Detailed application for the continuation of the spine road (from Phase 1), to and through Sulis Manor and associated works comprising: the demolition of existing dilapidated buildings and tree removal; drainage; landscaping; lighting; and boundary treatment; to enable construction of the spine road, and (iii) Detailed application for landscaping; mitigation works; allotments; including access; on the field known as Derrymans at Parcel 4234, Combe Hay Lane, Combe Hay, Bath.Discharge of conditions 4 and 5 of application 18/04014/FUL (Erection of extensions and alterations following demolition of the existing flat roof extensions) at The Kiln, 4 Wellow Lane, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath.Internal and external alterations for the installation of kitchen and WC into the basement. Mechanical ventilation to the basement for the kitchen and WC. Replacement of roof window at 19 New Bond Street, City Centre, Bath.Internal and external alterations for the replacement of roof window and cleaning of stonework at Mistral, 20 New Bond Street, City Centre, Bath.Removal of existing timber sash type window (non-original circa 19th/20th C), enlarge the structural opening to allow for new door. New glass access deck over light well connecting the main living space to the courtyard via the proposed door at Basement-ground Floor Flat, 12 Marlborough Street, Lansdown, Bath.External alterations to re-instate original railings and provide new gate to boundary at 2A Beaufort Place, Lambridge, Bath.Installation of air-conditioning unit to rear yard ground level at Games Workshop, 15 St James's Parade, City Centre, Bath.
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